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Sexual preference for, or attraction to, persons of one's own sex; in women it is referred to as lesbianism.
Both sexes use the term “gay”. Men and women who are attracted to both sexes are referred to as bisexual. The extent to which homosexual behavior is caused by biological or psychological factors is an area of disagreement among experts.
Although some ancient civilizations (notably ancient Greece and Confucian China) accepted homosexuality, other societies have punished homosexual acts. In 12th-century Europe sodomy was punishabl
e by burning and since then homosexuals have suffered varying degrees of prejudice and prosecution. In the latter half of the 20th century discrimination against homosexuals has decreased as a result of pressure from campaigners (see gay politics).
Laws relating to homosexuality and the age of consent differ from country to country. In some countries homosexual acts are illegal. In EU countries (except the Isle of Man) homosexuality between consenting adults is legal. Male homosexuals fear further discrimination as a result of the discovery of the AIDS virus.
In March 1995 a US federal judge rejected the Defense Department's policy of restricting homosexuals' service in the armed forces, claiming it violated free-speech and equal protection rights embodied in the constitution. The policy, which had modified an unqualified ban when it took effect Feb 1994, allowed homosexuals to serve in the armed forces on condition they were discreet about their sexual orientation.
A sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex; SYN. homosexualism, homoeroticism, gayness.
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