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Science qui a pour objet tout ce qui est mesurable, les lignes, les superficies, les corps solides.

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ETYM French géométrie, Latin geometria, from Greek, to measure land; gea, the earth + metron measure. So called because one of its earliest and most important applications was to the measurement of the earth's surface. Related to Geometer.
The branch of mathematics that deals with the construction, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, curves, and shapes. Geometry is an essential part of computer-aided design and graphics programs.
The pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces.

Branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of space, usually in terms of plane (two-dimensional) and solid (three-dimensional) figures. The subject is usually divided into pure geometry, which embraces roughly the plane and solid geometry dealt with in Euclid’s Elements, and analytical or coordinate geometry, in which problems are solved using algebraic methods. A third, quite distinct, type includes the non-Euclidean geometries.
Geometry probably originated in ancient Egypt, in land measurements necessitated by the periodic inundations of the river Nile, and was soon extended into surveying and navigation. Early geometers were the Greek mathematicians Thales, Pythagoras, and Euclid. Analytical methods were introduced and developed by the French philosopher René Descartes in the 17th century. From the 19th century, various non-Euclidean geometries were devised by Carl Friedrich Gauss, James Bolyai, and Nikolai Lobachevsky. These were later generalized by Bernhard Riemann and found to have applications in the theory of relativity.
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