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ETYM AS. crâwe a crow; akin to Dutch kraai, German krähe; cf. Icel. krâka crow. So named from its cry, from AS. crâwan to crow. Related to Crow.
1. Black birds having a raucous call.
2. The cry of a cock (or an im
itation of it).
Any of 35 species of the genus Corvus, family Corvidae, which also includes jays and magpies. Ravens belong to the same genus as crows. Crows are usually about 45 cm/1.5 ft long, black, with a strong bill feathered at the base, and omnivorous with a bias toward animal food. They are considered to be very intelligent. It is estimated that there are only 11 birds of the species Corvus hawaiiensis, the wild Hawaiian crow, left in the wild.
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