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Passage from mouth to pharynx.



ETYM Old Eng. golet, Old Fren. Goulet, dim. of gole, goule, throat, French gueule, Latin gula; perh. akin to Skr. gula, German kenle; cf. French goulet the neck of a bottle, goulotte channel gutter. Related to Gules, Gully.
Another name for the esophagus.
1. The tube by which food and drink are carried from the pharynx to the stomach; the esophagus.
2. Something shaped like the food passage, or performing similar functions.
3. A channel for water.
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esophagus · gorge · oesophagus



ETYM Old Eng. throte, as. throte, throtu; akin to Old High Germ. drozza, German drossel; cf. OFries. and Dutch stort. Related to Throttle.
Something resembling a throat in shape or functionr.
The passage to the stomach and lungs; in the fro
nt part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone; SYN. pharynx.
In human anatomy, the passage that leads from the back of the nose and mouth to the trachea and esophagus. It includes the pharynx and the larynx, the latter being at the top of the trachea. The word “throat” is also used to mean the front part of the neck, both in humans and other vertebrates; for example, in describing the plumage of birds. In engineering, it is any narrowing entry, such as the throat of a carburetor.
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