glomérule prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

glomérule | francusko - engleski rečnik


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ETYM New Lat., dim. of Latin glomus. Related to Glome.
A small intertwined group of capillaries in the malpighian body.
In the kidney, the cluster of blood capillaries at the threshold of the renal tubule, or nephron, responsible for filtering out the fluid that passes down the tubules and
ultimately becomes urine. In the human kidney there are approximately one million tubules, each possessing its own glomerulus.
The structure of the glomerulus allows a wide range of substances including amino acids and sugar, as well as a large volume of water, to pass out of the blood. As the fluid moves through the tubules, most of the water and all of the sugars are reabsorbed, so that only waste remains, dissolved in a relatively small amount of water. This fluid collects in the bladder as urine.
Intertwined cluster of organisms, nerve fibers, etc., especially capillaries in the kidney.
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