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ETYM French gangrčne, Latin gangraena, from Greek, to gnaw, eat; cf. Skr. gras, gar, to devour, and Eng. voracious, also canker.
Death and decay of tissue caused by loss of blood supply or infection.
Mortification of part of body.
Death and decay of body tissue (often of a limb) due to bacterial action; the affected part gradually
turns black and causes blood poisoning.
Gangrene sets in as a result of loss of blood supply to the area. This may be due to disease (diabetes, atherosclerosis), an obstruction of a major blood vessel (as in thrombosis), injury, or frostbite. Bacteria colonize the site unopposed, and a strong risk of blood poisoning often leads to surgical removal of the tissue or the affected part (amputation).
Gas gangrene is caused by infection of serious wounds with the bacterium Clostridium perfringens. The bacterium produces a protein, alpha toxin, that destroys healthy tissue surrounding the wound. The spread is very rapid. A vaccine against gas gangrene was successfully tested on animals 1994.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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