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Science qui a pour objet la connaissance de la forme extérieure du globe terrestre, de la nature des matériaux qui le composent, de la manière dont ces matériaux ont été formés et placés dans leur situation actuelle.

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ETYM Greek gea the earth + -logy: cf. French géologie.
A science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks.
Study of earth's crust.
Science of the Earth, its origin, composition
, structure, and history. It is divided into several branches: mineralogy (the minerals of Earth), petrology (rocks), stratigraphy (the deposition of successive beds of sedimentary rocks), paleontology (fossils), and tectonics (the deformation and movement of the Earth’s crust).
Geology is regarded as part of earth science, a more widely embracing subject that brings in meteorology, oceanography, geophysics, and geochemistry.
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