fourneaux prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fourneaux | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Construction de maçonnerie ou de brique, dans lesquelles on met du charbon, de la braise, utilisé pour faire cuire des plats ou pour chauffer différentes matières.
2. Tuyau d'une pipe.

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An enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
Structure in which fuel such as coal, coke, gas, or oil is burned t
o produce heat for various purposes. Furnaces are used in conjunction with boilers for heating, to produce hot water, or steam for driving turbines —in ships for propulsion and in power stations for generating electricity. The largest furnaces are those used for smelting and refining metals, such as the blast furnace, electric furnace, and open-hearth furnace. + prikaži više

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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