fondation prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fondation | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Action de fonder.
2. En particulier, en vue d'une cause d'intérêt général. Fondation de France.
3. (Au pluriel) Assise. Fondations d'une maison.

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srpski · nemački



ETYM French base, Latin basis, from Greek basis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, from bainein to go, step, akin to Eng. come. Related to Basis, and see Come.
1. A s
upport or foundation; SYN. pedestal, stand.
2. A flat bottom on which something is intended to sit.
3. The bottom or lowest part.
4. Place that runner must touch before scoring; SYN. bag.
5. The place where one is stationed and from which missions start and end; SYN. home.
6. The principal ingredient of a mixture.
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ETYM French fondation, Latin fundatio. Related to Found to establish.
1. An institution supported by an endowment.
2. Lowest supporting part of a structure; SYN. base, fundament, foot, groundwork, substructure, understructure.
3. The basis on which something is grounded.

base · basis · cornerstone · creation · foot · foundation garment · founding · fundament · grounding · groundwork · initiation · innovation · instauratio · institution · introduction · origination · substructure · understructure + prikaži više

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
pridev, arhaično, zastarelo
imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika