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flux | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Écoulement.
2. Flot.

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ETYM Old Eng. flod a flowing, stream, flood, AS. flôd; akin to Dutch vloed, OS. flôd, Old High Germ. fluot, German flut, Icel. flôth, Swed. and Dan. flod, Goth. flôdus; from the root of Eng. flow. Related to Flow.
. The rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; SYN. inundation, deluge.
2. The act of flooding; filling to overflowing.
3. An overwhelming number or amount; SYN. deluge, torrent.
4. A large flow; SYN. overflow, outpouring.
5. A source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography; SYN. floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood.
6. The inward flow of the tide; -Shakespeare.
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alluvion · deluge · flood lamp · flood tide · floodlight · flowage · inundation · outpouring · overflow · photoflood · rising tide · torrent + prikaži više



(Homonym: floe).
1. Any uninterrupted stream or discharge.
2. The act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression;
SYN. stream.
3. The amount of fluid that flows in a given time; SYN. flow rate, rate of flow.
4. The motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases); SYN. flowing.
Travel of liquids or gases in response to a force (i.e. pressure or gravity).
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catamenia · current · flow rate · flowing · menses · menstruation · menstruum · perio · rate of flow · stream + prikaži više

flow rate


Actual speed or velocity of fluid movement . flow-rate

flow · rate of flow



ETYM Latin fluxus, from fluere, fluxum, to flow: cf.French flux. Related to Fluent, Floss, Flush.
1. The total strength of a magnetic, electric, or radiation field over a given area.
2. A chemical used to aid the binding of solder to electrical conductors.
In soldering, a substance that improves the bonding properties of solder by removing contamination from metal surfaces and preventing their oxidation, and by reduci
ng the surface tension of the molten solder alloy. For example, with solder made of lead-tin alloys, the flux may be resin, borax, or zinc chloride.In smelting, a substance that combines with the unwanted components of the ore to produce a fusible slag, which can be separated from the molten metal. For example, the mineral fluorite, CaF2, is used as a flux in iron smelting; it has a low melting point and will form a fusible mixture with substances of higher melting point such as silicates and oxides.A chemically- or physically-active formulation which has the ability to clean oxides and enables wetting of metals with solder.
1. A flow or discharge; SYN. fluxion.
2. A substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed.
3. In constant change.
4. The rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface.
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flux density · fluxion · magnetic field · magnetic flux · state of flux



1. A sudden influx.
2. A sudden surge, esp. of fluids.

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ETYM Old Eng. rusche, rische, resche, as. risce, akin to lg. rusk, risch, Dutch and German rusch; all probably from Latin ruscum butcher's broom; akin to Goth. raus reed, German rohr.
1. A sudden forceful flow; SYN. spate, surge, upsurge.
2. A sudden burst of activity.

tidal flow


The water current caused by the tides; SYN. tidal current.

tidal current

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