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ženski rod

1. Rupture dans l'écorce terrestre, qui peut s'étendre jusqu'au manteau.
2. Vice ; défaut.

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In geology, a fracture in the Earth's crust along which the two sides have moved as a result of differing strains in the adjacent rock bodies. Displacement of rock masses horizontally or vertically along a fault may be microscopic, or it may be massive, causing major earthquakes.
If the movement has a major vertical component, the fault is termed a normal fault, where rocks on each side have moved
apart, or a reverse fault, where one side has overridden the other (a low angle reverse fault is called a thrust). A lateral fault, or tear fault, occurs where the relative movement is sideways. A particular kind of fault found only in ocean ridges is the transform fault (a term coined by Canadian geophysicist John Tuzo Wilson 1965). On a map an ocean ridge has a stepped appearance. The ridge crest is broken into sections, each section offset from the next. Between each section of the ridge crest the newly generated plates are moving past one another, forming a transform fault.
Faults produce lines of weakness that are often exploited by processes of weathering and erosion. Coastal caves and geos (narrow inlets) often form along faults and, on a larger scale, rivers may follow the line of a fault.
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failli | faillie | fêlé | fêlée | feuille | feuillu | feuillue | fiel | fil | file | fille | filou | fiole | fléau | flou | floue | fluo | folie | folio | folle | fouille | foule | foulée

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
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