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est | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod
aurore · levant · orient · oriental
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srpski · nemački



ETYM Old Eng. est, east, AS. eást; akin to Dutch oost, oosten, Old High Germ. ôstan, German ost, osten, Icel. austr, Swed. ost, Dan. öst, östen, Lith. auszra dawn, Latin aurora (for ausosa), Greek eos dawn.
The cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees; SYN. due east, E.
One of th
e four cardinal points of the compass, indicating that part of the horizon where the Sun rises; when facing north, east is to the right.
The Sun, and hence the east, has held a significant place in various religions; ancient temples had their altars at the east end so that sacrifices and other rituals could be made facing the rising Sun. In the 2nd century it became customary for Christians to worship facing the east, and also to bury the dead with their feet toward the east, so that on the morning of the Resurrection they would be facing the direction from which Christ was to come in glory.
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est | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. L'un des quatre points cardinaux.
2. Partie du monde qui est du côté du soleil levant pour un observateur quelconque.
3. Secteur géographique, politique, économique opposé ŕ l'Ouest.

aurore · levant · orient · oriental
Prevedi est na:

srpski · nemački

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika