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ETYM Old Eng. tithe, tethe, properly an adj, tenth, AS. teótha the tenth; akin to tién, ten, tęn, ten, German zehnte, tenth, a tithe. Related to Ten, Tenth, Teind.
1. A levy of one tenth of something.
2. An offering of a tenth part of some personal income.
Tenth part; tax payable to church.r /> Formerly, payment exacted from the inhabitants of a parish for the maintenance of the church and its incumbent; some religious groups continue the practice by giving 10% of members' incomes to charity.
It was originally the grant of a tenth of all agricultural produce made to priests in Hebrew society. In the Middle Ages the tithe was adopted as a tax in kind paid to the local parish church, usually for the support of the incumbent, and stored in a special tithe barn; as such, it survived into contemporary times in Europe and Britain. In Protestant countries, these payments were often appropriated by lay landlords.
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