dépouillée prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

dépouillée | francusko - engleski rečnik



ETYM as. nacod; akin to Dutch naakt, German nackt, Old High Germ. nacchot, nahhot, Icel. nökvithr, nakinn, Swed. naken, Dan. nögen, Goth. naqaths, Lith. nugas, Russ. nagii, Latin nudus, Skr. nagna. Related to Nude.
1. Having no protecting or concealing cover; SYN. defenseless.
2. Devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure; SYN. raw.
3. (Of the eye or ear e.g.) Without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument; SYN. unaided.
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au naturel · bare · defenseless · nude · open · overt · raw · unassisted · unclothed · unprotected + prikaži više

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