dragon prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

dragon | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Animal fabuleux qu'on représente avec des griffes, des ailes, une queue de serpent et crachant le feu.

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A creature of various mythologies; usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings; SYN. firedrake.
Mythical reptilian beast, often portrayed with wings and breathing fire. An
occasional feature of classical legend (Andromeda), dragons later held a central place as opponents of gods and heroes in Vedic, Teutonic (Siegfried), Anglo-Saxon, and Christian (St George) mythologies, possibly accounting for their heraldic role on medieval banners and weaponry.
In Christian art the dragon is linked with the devil; in traditional Chinese belief it is a symbol of divinity and royalty, associated with storms and rain.
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ETYM French dragon dragon, dragoon, from Latin draco dragon, also, a cohort's standard (with a dragon on it). The name was given from the sense standard. Related to Dragon.
A member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen.
Mounted soldier who carried an infantry weapon such as a “dragon”, or short musket, as used by the French army in the 16th century. The name was retained by some later regiments after the original meaning became obsolete.
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