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doigt | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Chacune des cinq parties mobiles et distinctes qui terminent la main de l'homme. L'homme a cinq doigts dont le pouce.
2. Par ext. : orte
il ou 'doigt de pied'.
3. Partie d'un gant qui protège le doigt.
4. Hauteur de liquide dans un verre correspondant ŕ l'épaisseur d'un doigt. Un doigt de Porto.
5. Pièce d'une machine servant de butoir.
6. Unité de mesure des anciens valant un peu moins de 2 cm.

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brin · goutte · peu · pouce
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srpski · nemački



ETYM Latin digitus finger; prob. akin to Greek daktylos, of uncertain origin; possibly akin to Eng. toe. Related to Dactyl.
1. A finger or toe in human beings or corresponding part in other vertebrates; SYN. dactyl.
2. One of the elements that collectively form a system of numbers.
A measure of the display span of a panel meter. By convention, a full digit can assume any value from 0 through 9, a
1/2-digit will display a 1 and overload at 2, a 3/4-digit will display digits up to 3 and overload at 4, etc. For example, a meter with a display span of ±3999 counts is said to be a 3-3/4 digit meter.
In mathematics, any of the numbers from 0 to 9 in the decimal system. Different bases have different ranges of digits. For example, the hexadecimal system has digits 0 to 9 and A to F, whereas the binary system has two digits (or bits), 0 and 1.
One of the characters used to indicate a whole number (unit) in a numbering system. In any numbering system, the number of possible digits is equal to the base, or radix, used. For example, the decimal (base-10) system has 10 digits, 0 through 9; the binary (base-2) system has 2 digits, 0 and 1; and the hexadecimal (base-16) system has 16 digits, 0 through 9 and A through F.
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dactyl · figure · finger · finger's breadth · fingerbreadth



ETYM AS. finger; akin to Dutch vinger, OS. and Old High Germ. fingar, German finger, Icel. fingr, Swed. and Dan. finger, Goth. figgrs; of unknown origin; perh. akin to Eng. fang.
An Internet software tool for locating pe
ople on other Internet sites. Finger is also sometimes used to give access to non-personal information, but the most common use is to see if a person has an account at a particular Internet site. Many sites do not allow incoming Finger requests, but many do.
1. Any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb).
2. The length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure; SYN. fingerbreadth, finger's breadth, digit.
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digit · finger's breadth · fingerbreadth

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije