denture prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

denture | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Ensemble des dents d'un sujet.



ETYM Latin dentitio, from dentire to cut teeth, from dens, dentis, tooth. Related to Dentist.
Teeth development; characteristic arrangement or nature of animal's teeth.
1. The number and arrangement of teeth.
2. The growing of new teeth.
Type and number of teeth in a species. Different kinds of teeth have different functio
ns; a grass-eating animal will have large molars for grinding its food, whereas a meat-eater will need powerful canines for catching and killing its prey. The teeth that are less useful may be reduced in size or missing altogether. An animal's dentition is represented diagramatically by a dental formula.
Young children have deciduous dentition, popularly known as “milk teeth”, the first ones erupting at about six months of age. Mixed dentition is present from the ages of about six (when the first milk teeth are shed) to about 12. Permanent dentition (up to 32 teeth) is usually complete by the mid-teens, although the third molars (wisdom teeth) may not appear until around the age of 21.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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