densité prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

densité | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

(Physique) Qualité de ce qui est dense.

brachylogie · brièveté · compacité · concentration · concision · consistance · force · masse · poids · teneur · volume · épaisseur + prikaži više
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Mass per unit of volume of a substance. I.E. grams/ or pounds/cu.ft.
Measure of the compactness of a substance; it is equal to its mass per unit volume and is measured in kg per cubic meter/lb per cubic foot. Density is a scalar quantity. The
density D of a mass m occupying a volume V is given by the formula:
D = m/V
Relative density is the ratio of the density of a substance to that of water at 4şC.
In photography, density refers to the degree of opacity of a negative; in population studies, it is the quantity or number per unit of area; in electricity, current density is the amount of current passing through a cross-sectional area of a conductor in a given amount of time (usually given in amperes per sq in or per sq cm).
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specific gravity


The density of a substance relative to the density of water.
The ratio of mass of any material to the mass of the same volume of pure water at 4[s]C.
Alternative term for relative density.

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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika