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muški rod

1. (Mathématiques) La surface que décrit une ligne droite qui passe toujours par un même point fixe, et qui touche toujours dans son mouvement une certaine courbe donnée, que l'on appelle directrice.
2. Cône circulaire (Quand la courbe directrice est une circonférence de cercle, on dit que le cône est circulaire: c'est sa forme la plus commune dans les usages pratiques).
3. Objet en forme de cône ou en forme de cornet.

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In geometry, a solid or surface consisting of the set of all straight lines passing through a fixed point (the vertex) and the points of a circle or ellipse whose plane does not contain the vertex. A circular cone of perpendicular height, with its apex above the center of the circle, is known as a right circular cone; it is generated by rotating an isosceles triangle or framework about its line of symmetry. A right circular cone of perpendicular height h and base of radius r has a volume V = 1/3pr2h. The distance from the edge of the base of a cone to the vertex is called the slant height. In a right circular cone of slant height l, the curved surface area is prl, and the area of the base is pr2. Therefore the total surface area A = prl + pr2 = pr(l + r). + prikaži više



In botany, the reproductive structure of the conifers and cycads; also known as a strobilus. It consists of a central axis surrounded by numerous, overlapping, scalelike, modified leaves (sporophylls) that bear the reproductive organs. Usually there are separate male and female cones, the former bearing pollen sacs containing pollen grains, and the larger female cones bearing the ovules that contain the ova or egg cells. The pollen is carried from male to female cones by the wind (anemophily). The seeds develop within the female cone and are released as the scales open in dry atmospheric conditions, which favor seed dispersal.
In some groups (for example, the pines) the cones take two or even three years to reach maturity. The cones of junipers have fleshy cone scales that fuse to form a berrylike structure. One group of angiosperms, the alders, also bear conelike structures; these are the woody remains of the short female catkins, and they contain the alder fruits. In zoology, cones are a type of light-sensitive cell found in the retina of the eye.
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