correspondance prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

correspondance | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Conformité, rapport, harmonie. Il y avait entre eux une parfaite correspondance d'opinions.
Échange de lettres. Il avait une correspondance avec une amie anglaise.

Prevedi correspondance na:

srpski · nemački



ETYM Cf. French correspondance.
1. Communication by exchange of letters.
2. Communication by the exchange of letters.
In mathematics, the
relation between two sets where an operation on the members of one set maps some or all of them onto one or more members of the other. For example, if A is the set of members of a family and B is the set of months in the year, A and B are in correspondence if the operation is: “.has a birthday in the month of.”. + prikaži više

agreement · balance · commensurateness · map · mapping · parallelism · proportionateness · symmetricalness · symmetry + prikaži više



(Homonym: male).
1. The system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office; SYN. post, postal service.
2. The bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service.
3. Any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered.
4. A conveyance that transports mail.

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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