condensateur prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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(Électricité) Composant qui emmagasine des charges.

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A circuit component that provides a known amount of capacitance (ability to store an electric charge). A capacitor typically consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating (dielectric) material. If other factors remain constant, capacitance increases as the plates are made larger or brought closer together. A capacitor blocks direct current but passes alternating current to an extent that depends on its capacitance and on the frequency of the current. See also capacitance.
An electrical device characterized by its capacitance; SYN. condenser, electrical condenser.
Or condenser; Device for storing electric charge, used in electronic circuits; it consists of two or more metal plates separated by an insulating layer called a dielectric.
Its capacitance is the ratio of the charge stored on either plate to the potential difference between the plates. The SI unit of capacitance is the farad, but most capacitors have much smaller capacitances, and the microfarad (a millionth of a farad) is the commonly used practical unit.
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In electronic circuits, another name for a capacitor.

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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