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1. Glu.
2. Énigme.

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ETYM French glu, Latin glus, akin to gluten, from gluere to draw together. Related to Gluten.
A strong liquid cement; SYN. gum, mucilage.
Type of adhesive.

gum · mucilage



ETYM Old Fren. paste, French pâte, Latin pasta. Related to Pasty, Patty.
1. An adhesive made from water and flour or starch; used on paper and paperboard; SYN. library paste.
2. Any mixture of a soft and malleable consistency.



Or conundrum; Verbal puzzle or question that offers clues rather than direct aids to solving it, and often involves unlikely comparisons. Riddles poems were common in Old English poetry.
In ancient literature, finding the answ
er to a riddle could be a matter of life and death. Oedipus, for example, became the ruler of the ancient Greek city of Thebes by solving the riddle of the Sphinx: “What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?” The answer is a human being—crawling on all fours as a baby, and walking with a stick in old age.
1. A coarse sieve (as for gravel).
2. A difficult problem; SYN. conundrum, enigma, brain-teaser.
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brain-teaser · conundrum · enigma
collé | francusko - engleski rečnik


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