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A Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC); Also called: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Tully.
Roman orator, writer, and politician. His speeches and philosophical and rhetorical works are models of Latin prose, and his letters provide a picture of contemporary Roman life. As consul 63 BC he exposed the Roman politician Cati
line's conspiracy in four major orations.
Born in Arpinium, Cicero became an advocate in Rome, spent three years in Greece studying oratory, and after the dictator Sulla’s death distinguished himself in Rome with the prosecution of the corrupt Roman governor, Varres. When the First Triumvirate was formed 59 BC, Cicero was briefly exiled and devoted himself to literature. He sided with Pompey during the civil war (49–48) but was pardoned by Julius Caesar and returned to Rome. After Caesar’s assassination 44 BC he supported Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) and violently attacked Antony in speeches known as the Philippics. On the reconciliation of Antony and Octavian, he was executed by Antony’s agents.
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