chaudière prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

chaudière | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Appareil destiné ŕ produire de la chaleur, qui assure le chauffage (d'une maison, etc.).

chaudron · cucurbite
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srpski · nemački



Sealed vessel where water is converted to steam; SYN. steam boiler.
Any vessel that converts water into steam. Boilers are used in conventional power stations to generate steam to feed steam turbines, which drive the electricity generators. They are also used in steamships, which are propelled by steam turbines, and in steam locom
otives. Every boiler has a furnace in which fuel (coal, oil, or gas) is burned to produce hot gases, and a system of tubes in which heat is transferred from the gases to the water.
The common kind of boiler used in ships and power stations is the water-tube type, in which the water circulates in tubes surrounded by the hot furnace gases. The water-tube boilers at power stations produce steam at a pressure of up to 300 atmospheres and at a temperature of up to 600şC/1,100şF to feed to the steam turbines. It is more efficient than the fire-tube type that is used in steam locomotives. In this boiler the hot furnace gases are drawn through tubes surrounded by water.
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kettle · steam boiler



An enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
Structure in which fuel such as coal, coke, gas, or oil is burned t
o produce heat for various purposes. Furnaces are used in conjunction with boilers for heating, to produce hot water, or steam for driving turbines —in ships for propulsion and in power stations for generating electricity. The largest furnaces are those used for smelting and refining metals, such as the blast furnace, electric furnace, and open-hearth furnace. + prikaži više



Heats water or supplies warmth to a room; SYN. warmer.

bulle · fastball · hummer · smoke · warmer
chaudière | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodsleng, dijalekt
chaudron · cucurbite
Prevedi chaudière na:

srpski · nemački

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