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1. Unité dans un livre. Ce livre est divisé en vingt chapitres.
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ETYM Old Fren. chapitre, French chapitre, from Latin capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the principal division of a writing, chapter. Related to Chief, and cf, Chapiter.
1. A subdivision o
f a written work; usually numbered and titled.
2. A local branch of some fraternity or association.
3. A series of related events forming an episode.
4. A distinct period in history or in a person's life.
5. An ecclesiastical assembly of the monks in a monastery or even of the canons of a church.
In the Christian church, the collective assembly of canons (priests) who together administer a cathedral.
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ETYM Greek, a coming in besides, episode; epi into, besides + en into + hodos way; cf. Skr. sad to go: cf. French épisode.
In music, a passage or section of a fugue linking appearances of the subject (principal melody), usually non-them
atic in nature and often forming sequences in order to modulate (move from one key to another) before the subject establishes a new key; or in a rondo, one of a variety of sections appearing between and contrasting with the recurring principal theme.
1. A brief section of a literary or dramatic work that forms part of a connected series.
2. A happening that is distinctive in a series of related events.
3. A part of a broadcast serial; SYN. installment, instalment.
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