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muški rododevanje

1. Coiffure.
2. Couvre-chef. Chapeau de paille.
3. (Au figuré) Introduction. Le chapeau d'un article.

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ETYM as. haet, haett; akin to Dan. hat, Swed. hatt, Icel. hattr a hat, höttr hood, Dutch hoed hat, German hut, Old High Germ. huot, and prob. to Latin cassis helmet. Cf. Hood.
> 1. An informal term for a person's role.
2. Protects from weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim; SYN. chapeau, lid.
Head covering, with a shaped crown and sometimes with a brim, worn by both men and women for practical and decorative purposes. There are many styles of hats, for example the trilby, homburg, boater, beret, cap, and fedora.
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