cavité prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

cavité | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Creux.
2. Trou.

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ETYM Latin cavus hollow: cf. French cavité.
In dentistry, decay (caries) of tooth enamel by the acids produced by mouth bacteria. Continuing decay undermines the inner tooth and attacks the nerve, causing toothache. Measures c
an be taken to save teeth by cleaning out the decay (drilling) and filling the tooth with a plastic substance such as silver amalgam or covering the cavity with an inlay or crown.
Soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth; SYN. caries, dental caries, tooth decay.
1. A hollow space; SYN. enclosed space, depression, cave, hole.
2. (Anatomy) A natural hollow or sinus within the body; SYN. bodily cavity, cavum.
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bodily cavity · caries · cavum · dental caries · enclosed space · pit · tooth decay + prikaži više



An empty area or space; SYN. vacancy, emptiness.

emptiness · nihility · nothingness · nullity · vacancy · vacuum + prikaži više

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