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ženski rodmedicina

Perte du tonus musculaire.

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ETYM New Lat. catalepsis, from Greek katalepsis a seizure, from katalambanein to seize upon; kata down + lambanein to take, seize.
A trancelike state with loss of voluntary motion and failure to react to stimuli.
Rigid or trancelike fit.
In medicine, an abnormal state in which the patient is apparently or actually unconscious and the muscles become rigid.
There is no response to stimuli, and the rate of heartbeat and breathing is slow. A similar condition can be drug-induced or produced by hypnosis, but catalepsy as ordinarily understood occurs spontaneously in epilepsy, schizophrenia, and other nervous disorders. It is associated with catatonia.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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