Parce que, pour cette raison. Nous n'allons pas nous arrêter, car nous n'avons pas assez de temps.
ETYM Old Eng. bycause; by + cause.
1. By or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that.
2. In order that; that.
(Homonym: fore, four).
Indicating the reason why.
(transport) or omnibus Vehicle that carries fare-paying passengers on a fixed route, with frequent stops where passengers can get on and off.
An omnibus appeared briefly on the streets of Paris in the 1660s, when the mathematician Blaise Pascal introduced the first horse-drawn vehicles for public use. But a successful service, again in Paris, was not established until 1827. Two years later George Shillibeer introduced a horse-drawn bus in London.
Gasoline-engine buses came into general use by the 1910s and provide intracity and nationwide service through both public and private companies.
ETYM French coche, from Italian cocchio, dim. of cocca little boat, from Latin concha mussel, mussel shell.
1. A carriage pulled by four horses with one driver; SYN. four-in-hand, coach-and-four.
2. A person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting); SYN. private instructor, tutor.