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ETYM AS. hors; akin to OS. hros, Dutch and Old High Germ. ros, German ross, Icel. hross; and perh. to Latin currere to run, Eng. course, current Cf. Walrus.
(Homonym: hoarse).
1. A padded gymnastic apparatus on legs.
2. Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times; SYN. Equus caballus.
Hoofed, odd-toed, grazing mammal Equus caballus of the family Equidae, which also includes zebras and asses. The many breeds of domestic horse of Euro-Asian origin range in color from white to gray, brown, and black. The yellow-brown Mongolian wild horse or Przewalski’s horse E. przewalskii, named for its Polish “discoverer” about 1880,
is the only surviving species of wild horse.
It has become extinct in the wild because of hunting and competition with domestic animals for food; about 800 survive in captivity, and there are plans to reintroduce them to Mongolia.
Breeds include the Arab, small and agile; Thoroughbred, derived from the Arab via English mares, used in horse racing for its speed (the present stock is descended from three Arab horses introduced to Britain in the 18th century); quarter horse, used by cowboys for herding; Lippizaner, a pure white horse, named for its place of origin in Slovenia; shire, the largest draft horse in the world at 17 hands (1 hand = 10.2 cm/4 in), descended from the medieval war horses that carried knights in armor. Ponies combine the qualities of various types of horses with a smaller build (under 14.2 hands, or 1.47 m/58 in). The smallest is the hardy Shetland, about 10.5 hands, or 70 cm/27 in high.
The mule, a hardy pack animal, is the usually sterile offspring of a female horse and a male ass; the hinny is a similarly sterile offspring of a male horse and a female ass, but less useful as a beast of burden.
A horse is sexually mature at two to three years and can live 20 to 30 years in reasonable conditions; a few are known to have lived past 40. The gestation period, from conception to birth of a foal, is 11 months.
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ETYM Old Eng. nagge, Dutch negge; akin to Eng. neigh.
1. A small horse; a pony; hence, any horse.
2. A woman who nags, one who nags habitually.

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