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Decorative needlework; SYN. fancywork.
The art of decorating cloth with a needle and thread. It includes broderie anglaise, gros point, and petit point, all of which have been used for the adornment of costumes, gloves, book covers, furnishings, and ecclesiastical vestments.



ETYM Old Eng. las, Old Fren. laz, French lacs, dim. lacet, from Latin laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice. Related to Delight, Elicit, Lasso, Latchet.
1. A cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment); SYN. lacing.
2. A delicate decorative fabric woven in an open we
b of symmetrical patterns.
Delicate, decorative, openwork textile fabric. Lace is a European craft with centers in Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, and England.
Needlepoint or point lace (a development of embroidery) originated in Italy in the late 15th or early 16th centuries. Lace was first made from linen thread and sometimes also with gold, silver, or silk; cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers have been used more recently.
Bobbin or pillow (“true”) lace is made by twisting threads together in pairs or groups, according to a pattern marked out by pins set in a cushion. It is said to have been invented by Barbara Uttmann (born 1514) of Saxony; elaborate patterns may require over a thousand bobbins.
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