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Sport de combat oů deux adversaires s'affrontent ŕ coups de poings.

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Fighting with the fists; SYN. pugilism, fisticuffs.
Fighting with gloved fists, almost entirely a male sport. The sport dates from the 18th century, when fights were fought with bare knuckles and untimed rounds. Each round ended with a knockdown. Fighting with gloves became the accepted form in the latter part of the 19th century after the formulation of the Queensberry Rules 1867.
Jack Broughton (1704–1789) was one of the early champions and in 1743
drew up the first set of boxing rules. The last bare-knuckle championship fight was between John L Sullivan and Jake Kilrain 1899. Today all boxing follows the original Queensberry Rules, but with modifications. Contests take place in a roped ring 4.3–6.1 m/14–20 ft square. All rounds last three minutes. Amateur bouts last three rounds; professional championship bouts last as many as 12 or 15 rounds. Boxers are classified according to weight and may not fight in a division lighter than their own. The weight divisions in professional boxing range from straw-weight (also known as paperweight and mini-flyweight), under 49 kg/108 lb, to heavyweight, over 88 kg/195 lb.
Boxing has school, amateur, semiprofessional, and professional matches.
Both the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association have repeatedly called for a ban on boxing because of the considerable risks of brain damage and disease.
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