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Vaisseau en métal destiné particulièrement ŕ faire bouillir de l'eau.

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ETYM Old Eng. ketel.
1. A large hemispherical brass or copper drum with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it; SYN. kettledrum, tympanum, tympani, timpani.
2. A metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid; SYN. boiler.
3. The quantity a kettle wil
l hold; SYN. kettleful.
Glacial geologic feature, formed when a block of stagnant ice from a receding glacier becomes isolated and buried in glacial outwash or drift before it finally melts. When the block disappears, it leaves a pit or depression called a kettle, in the drift. These depressions range from 15 ft/5 m to 8 mi/13 km in diameter, and some exceed 100 ft/33 m in depth.
As time passes, water sometimes fills the kettles to form lakes or swamps, features found throughout much of N North America. Lake Ronkonkoma, the largest lake on Long Island, New York, is an example.
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For boiling water to make tea.

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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