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ženski rodmedicina
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Flexible medical instrument for insertion into body passages; suppository.



ETYM Latin, from Greek, a thing let down or put in, catheter, from to send down, to let down; cata + hienai to send.
A thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids.
tube introduced into bladder through urethra.
Fine tube inserted into the body to introduce or remove fluids. The urinary catheter, passed by way of the urethra (the duct that leads urine away from the bladder) was the first to be used. In today's practice, catheters can be inserted into blood vessels, either in the limbs or trunk, to provide blood samples and local pressure measurements, and to deliver drugs and/or nutrients directly into the bloodstream.
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ženski rodauto-moto
binette · calbombe · camoufle · candela · cathéter · chandelle · cierge · filtre · flambeau · lumignon · luminaire · rat de cave · sonde · tête + prikaži više
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spark plug


Fits into the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark; SYN. sparking plug, plug.
Plug that produces an electric spark in the cyl
inder of a gasoline engine to ignite the fuel mixture. It consists essentially of two electrodes insulated from one another. High-voltage (18,000 v) electricity is fed to a central electrode via the distributor. At the base of the electrode, inside the cylinder, the electricity jumps to another electrode earthed to the engine body, creating a spark. See also ignition coil. sparkplug + prikaži više

plug · sparking plug
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ženski rod


binette · calbombe · camoufle · candela · cathéter · chandelle · cierge · filtre · flambeau · lumignon · luminaire · rat de cave · sonde · tête + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. candel, candel, AS, candel, from Latin candela a (white) light made of wax or tallow, from candëre to be white. Related to Candid, Chandler, Cannel, Kindle.
1. Stick of wax with a wick in the middle; SYN. taper, wax light.
2. The basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the System International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centim
eter of a blackbody radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin.
Vertical cylinder of wax (such as tallow or paraffin wax) with a central wick of string. A flame applied to the end of the wick melts the wax, thereby producing a luminous flame. The wick is treated with a substance such as alum so that it carbonizes but does not rapidly burn out.
Candles and oil lamps were an early form of artificial lighting. Accurately made candles—which burned at a steady rate— were calibrated along their lengths and used as a type of clock. The candle was also the name of a unit of luminous intensity, replaced 1940 by the candela (cd), equal to 1/60 of the luminance of 1 sq cm of a black body radiator at a temperature of 2,042K (the temperature of solidification of platinum).
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