boisseaux prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

boisseaux | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Mesure de capacité.
2. Tuyau.

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ETYM Old Eng. buschel, boischel, Old Fren. boissel, bussel, boistel, French boisseau, Late Lat. bustellus; dim. of bustia, buxida (Old Fren. boiste), from pyxida, acc. of Latin pyxis box, Greek. Related to Box.
> 1. A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 pecks.
2. A United States dry measure equal to 4 pecks or 2152.42 cubic inches.
3. A basket large enough to hold a bushel; SYN. bushel basket.
Dry measure used for grain and fruit, equal to eight gallons (2,219.36 cu in/36.37 l) in the UK; some US states have different standards according to the goods measured. One bushel equals four pecks.
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