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ETYM French biasis, perh. from Late Lat. bifax two-faced; Latin bis + facies face. Related to Bi-, Face.
1. A uniform or systematic deviation from a point of reference.
2. In mathematics, an indication of the amount by which the average of a group of values deviates from a reference value.
3. In electronics, a voltage applied to a transistor or
other electronic device to establish a reference level for its operation.
4. In communications, a type of distortion in the length of transmitted bits, caused by a lag that occurs as voltage builds up or falls off each time the signal changes from 0 to 1 or vice versa.
Tendency to a one-sided view; prejudice. Bias does not necessarily lie in what is said or written; omission of detail that does not suit the argument or intention of the speaker or writer is also a manifestation of bias.
A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation; SYN. prejudice.
An inadequacy in experimental design that leads to results or conclusions not representative of the population under study.
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biais | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. De travers.
2. Oblique.

angledozer · artifice · aspect · biaisé · biseau · bouteur · côté · diagonale · détour · finasserie · fuite · joint · ligne · liseré · moyen · oblique · point de vue · travers · voie + prikaži više
Prevedi biais na:

srpski · nemački

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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