baromètre prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

baromètre | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Instrument qui mesure la pression de l'atmosphère, et dont les indications, variant avec cette pression, sont utilisées pour faire des prévisions météorologiques.

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ETYM Greek baros weight + -meter: cf. French baromčtre.
Instrument registering atmospheric pressure, especially for weather forecasting.
Instrument that measures atmospheric pressure as an indication of weather. Most often used are the mercu
ry barometer and the aneroid barometer.
In a mercury barometer a column of mercury in a glass tube, roughly 0.75 m/2.5 ft high (closed at one end, curved upward at the other), is balanced by the pressure of the atmosphere on the open end; any change in the height of the column reflects a change in pressure. In an aneroid barometer, a shallow cylindrical metal box containing a partial vacuum expands or contracts in response to changes in pressure.
An instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.
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pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
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