azimut prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

azimut | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Angle d'un plan vertical ŕ un plan vertical d'origine.

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ETYM Old Eng. azimut, French azimut, from Arabic as-sumut, pl. of as-samt a way, or perh., a point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith. Related to Zenith.
The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian; SYN. AZ.
Arc of the horizon.
Angular distance, measured along horizon, of objec
t from north or south points; angle between meridian and the great circle which passes through both zenith and heavenly body. azimuth compass, magnetic compass having sights for taking the azimuth circle, quadrant of great circle through zenith and nadir.
In astronomy, the angular distance of an object eastward along the horizon, measured from due north, between the astronomical meridian (the vertical circle passing through the center of the sky and the north and south points on the horizon) and the vertical circle containing the celestial body whose position is to be measured. meridian (the vertical circle passing through the center of the sky and the north and south points on the horizon) and the vertical circle containing the celestial body whose position is to be measured.
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