astigmatisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

astigmatisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Défaut de vision ou d'optique.

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ETYM Greek a priv. + stigma, a prick of a pointed instrument, a spot: cf. French astigmatisme.
1. (Ophthalmology) Impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea; SYN. astigmia.
2. (Optics) Defect in an optical system in which light rays from a single
point fail to converge in a single focal point; SYN. astigmia.
3. Defect in curvature of lens or of cornea of eye, causing unequal focusing.
4. Aberration occurring in the lens of the eye. It results when the curvature of the lens differs in two perpendicular planes, so that rays in one plane may be in focus while rays in the other are not. With astigmatic eyesight, the vertical and horizontal cannot be in focus at the same time; correction is by the use of a cylindrical lens that reduces the overall focal length of one plane so that both planes are seen in sharp focus.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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