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muški rodarhaično, zastarelo

1. (Vieux) Café ouvrier.
2. (Vieux) Sorte de piège que l'on tend surtout aux bêtes puantes, telles que renards, blaireaux, etc., et qui est disposé de manière ŕ les assommer lorsqu'elles s'y prennent.

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ETYM Old Eng. barre, French barre, from Late Lat. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. and Irish barra bar.
1. A rigid piece of metal.
2. A rod of metal used to obstruct openings.
/> 3. (Usually in the plural) Jail.
4. A counter where one can purchase food or drink.
5. A submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore.
6. (Law) A railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried.
7. A unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter.
A unit of pressure equal to 0.99 atmospheres or 14.233 psi.
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ETYM Cf. Irish blocan a little block, Gael. plocan a mallet, W. plocyn, dim. of ploc block; or perh. connected with Eng. blow a stroke. Related to Block, Blow a stroke.
A heavy stick used as a weapon.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija