assolement prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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muški rod

Partage de terres labourables en grandes portions ou soles, pour y faire succéder les récoltes suivant un certain ordre.

alternance · alternat · rotation des cultures
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crop rotation


The process by which farmers alternate the various crops grown in a particular field from year to year, in order to preserve the nutrients in the soil.
System of regularly changing the crops grown on a piece of land. The crops are grown in a particular order to utilize and add to the nutrients in the soil and to prevent the buildup of insect and fungal pests. Including a legume crop, such as peas or beans, in
the rotation helps build up nitrate in the soil because the roots contain bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen from the air.
A simple seven-year rotation, for example, might include a three-year ley followed by two years of wheat and then two years of barley, before returning the land to temporary grass once more. In this way, the cereal crops can take advantage of the buildup of soil fertility that occurs during the period under grass. In the 18th century, a four-year rotation was widely adopted with autumn-sown cereal, followed by a root crop, then spring cereal, and ending with a leguminous crop. Since then, more elaborate rotations have been devised with two, three, or four successive cereal crops, and with the root crop replaced by a cash crop such as sugar beet or potatoes, or by a legume crop such as peas or beans.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
pridev, arhaično, zastarelo
imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika