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ETYM LL. columbina, Latin columbinus dovelike, from columba dove: cf. French colombine. Perh. so called from the beaklike spurs of its flowers.
Of or like a dove; dove-coloured.
Any plant of the genus Aquilegia of the buttercup family Ranuncu
laceae. All are perennial herbs with divided leaves and flowers with spurred petals.
The eastern columbine A. canadensis, with red flowers, is native to E North America. The wild columbine A. vulgaris, with blue flowers, has been developed by repeated crossing to produce modern garden species A. xhybrida, with larger flowers and a wider range of colors.
A plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains; SYN. aquilegia, aquilege.
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