agnosticisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

agnosticisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Doctrine refusant toute métaphysique.

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1. A religious orientation of doubt; a denial of ultimate knowledge of the existence of God.
2. The disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge; SYN. skepticism, scepticism.
doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena
that the existence of God cannot be proven; that in the nature of things the individual cannot know anything of what lies behind or beyond the world of natural phenomena. The term was coined 1869 by T H Huxley.
Whereas an atheist (see atheism) denies the existence of God or gods, an agnostic asserts that God or a First Cause is one of those concepts (others include the Absolute, infinity, eternity, and immortality) that lie beyond the reach of human intelligence, and therefore can be neither confirmed nor denied.
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