électrochimie prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

électrochimie | francusko - engleski rečnik


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Science qui étudie les applications de l'énergie électrique ŕ la chimie et réciproquement.

chimie · électrolyse
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Study of relations between electricity and chemicals.
Branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions.
The branch of science that studies chemical reactions involving electricity. The use of electricity to produce chemical effects, electrolysis, is employed in many industrial processes, such as the man
ufacture of chlorine and the extraction of aluminum. The use of chemical reactions to produce electricity is the basis of electrical cells, such as the dry cell and the Leclanché cell.
Since all chemical reactions involve changes to the electronic structure of atoms, all reactions are now recognized as electrochemical in nature. Oxidation, for example, was once defined as a process in which oxygen was combined with a substance, or hydrogen was removed from a compound; it is now defined as a process in which electrons are lost.
Electrochemistry is also the basis of new methods of destroying toxic organic pollutants. For example, the development of electrochemical cells that operate with supercritical water (see fluid, supercritical) to combust organic waste materials.
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