wasp prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

wasp | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. waspe, AS. waeps, waefs; akin to Dutch wesp, German wespe, Old High Germ. wafsa, wefsa, Lith. vapsa gadfly, Russ. osa wasp, Latin vespa, and perhaps to Eng. weave.
Any of several families of winged stinging insects of the order Hymenoptera, characterized by a thin stalk between the thorax and the abdomen. Wasps can be social or
solitary. Among social wasps, the queens devote themselves to egg laying, the fertilized eggs producing female workers; the males come from unfertilized eggs and have no sting. The larvae are fed on insects, but the mature wasps feed mainly on fruit and sugar. In winter, the fertilized queens hibernate, but the other wasps die.
Paper wasps, family Vespidae, include the common paper wasp Polistes annularis, hornets and yellow jackets (both genus Vespula). Potter wasps, mason wasps, and mud daubers all use mud with which to construct their nests.
Social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable sting.

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WASP · white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
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američki beli protestant

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ženski rodinsekt

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Po načinu života one se dele na društvene i pojedinačne vrste. Najveće štete čine takozvane društvene ose, i to zbog svoje populacije i mnogobrojnosti. One grade gnezda u zemlji, ispod raznih zgrada, u šupljim stablima, a neke vrste i u granama drveća.


ženski rodinsekt


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Pakosnik, zavidnik, zajedljivac, sarkast.


ženski rodinsekt


WASP | englesko - srpski rečnik



A White Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry; Also called: white Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
Acronym for white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, common
(frequently derogatory) term to describe the white elite in American society, specifically those educated at Ivy League universities and belonging to the Episcopalian Church.
The term was popularized by US sociologist E Digby Baltzell in his book The Protestant Establishment 1964.

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nemački · francuski

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