thymus prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

thymus | englesko - srpski rečnik



Large genus of Old World mints: thyme; Also called: genus Thymus.

majčina dušica

ženski rodbotanika

[Thymus serpyllum] Višegodišnja biljka koja je u srednjem veku bila simbol snage i hrabrosti. Raste u obliku malog zimzelenog žbuna. Leti ima nežne ružičaste ili ljubičaste cvetove. Traži sunčano stanište i relativno siromašno tlo. Može da se seje direktno u tlo ili se razmnožava deljenjem bokora. Ide uz divljač, i druga mesa, krompir i razna variva, Treba je kuvati zajedno sa jelom, jer tada dolazi do izražaja njena prava aroma. + prikaži više

thymus | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM New Lat., from Greek thymos.
Of, pertaining to, or designating, the thymus gland.

thymus | englesko - srpski rečnik


imenicagpl thymusesanat

(Irregular plural: thymuses)
Lymphoid gland in lower part of throat, disappearing in adult.
The thymus gland.
Organ in vertebrates, situated in the upper chest cavity in humans. The thymus processes lymphocyte cells t
o produce T lymphocytes (t denotes “thymus-derived”), which are responsible for binding to specific invading organisms and killing them or rendering them harmless.
The thymus reaches full size at puberty, and shrinks thereafter; the stock of T-lymphocytes is built up early in life, so this function diminishes in adults, but the thymus continues to function as an endocrine gland, producing the hormone thymosin, which stimulates the activity of the T lymphocytes.

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