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reconstruction | englesko - srpski rečnik



1. An interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence.
2. Recall via mental reconstruction.
3. The activity of constructing something again.

Reconstruction · Reconstruction Period · reconstructive memory
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Zidanje iznova, preziđivanje, ponovno uspostavljenje; ponovno podizanje i obnavljanje propalih starih umetničkih spomenika, o čijem se nekadašnjem obliku i izgledu zaključuje po nađenim planovima, ostacima, pismenim predanjima i sl.; u paleobiologiji: pokušaj da se iz okamenjenih ostataka, naročito kostiju, ponovo sastavi lik neke izumrle životinje.
Postupak koji sudski organi izvode na licu mesta, u prisustvu okrivljenog, svedoka i oštećenog, pod veštački uspostavljenim okolnostima koje su približno bile za vreme izvršenje zločina, kako bi se mogao utvrditi stvarni tok događaja o kome se vodi sudska rasprava (lat.)
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Reconstruction | englesko - srpski rečnik



The period after the United States Civil War when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union; 1865-1877.
In US history, the period 1865–77 after the Civil War during which the nation was reunited under the federal government after the defeat of the Southern Confederacy.
Amendments to the US constitution, and to Southern state constitutions, conferred equal civil and political rights on blacks, although many Southern
states, opposed to these radical Republican measures, still practiced discrimination and segregation. During Reconstruction, industrial and commercial projects restored the economy of the South but failed to ensure racial equality, and the former slaves remained, in most cases, landless laborers, although emancipated slaves were assisted in finding work, shelter, and lost relatives through federal agencies. Reconstruction also resulted in an influx of Northern profiteers known as carpetbaggers. Both the imposition of outside authority and the equal status conferred on former slaves combined to make Southerners bitterly resentful. Although Radical Republicans sought punitive measures against the South, they were restrained by President Abraham Lincoln. When President Andrew Johnson refused to agree to their program, the Radicals contrived to bring about his impeac
hment, failing by one vote to convict him.

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