morphology prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

morphology | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Greek morphos form + -logy: cf. French morphologie.
1. Studies of the rules for forming admissible words.
2. The admissible arrangement of sounds in words; SYN. sound structure, syllable structure, word structure.
3. The branch of biology that deals with the s
tructure of animals and plants.
4. The branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms; SYN. geomorphology.
Study of forms and the development of structures.
Biological or philological study of forms and structures; form and structure of an organism, word, etc.
In the study of language, the analysis of the formation of words, the breaking-down of a language into morphemes.
In biology, the study of the physical structure and form of organisms, in particular their soft tissues.

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ženski rod

1. Nauka o postanku i ravzitku oblika: organskih tela (životinja i biljaka), Zemljine kore, reči itd.
2. Nauka o oblicima uopšte;
3. Nauka o građi živih bića i njihovih organa;
4. Nauka o spoljašnoj granji biljaka i njihovih oblika;
5. Deo gramatike koji proučava oblike reči (padeže, vremena i sl.). (grč.)

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
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imenica, geografija
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