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A republic on the Maldive Islands.
Group of 1,196 islands in the N Indian Ocean, about 640 km/400 mi SW of Sri Lanka, only 203 of which are inhabited.
The 1968 constitution provides for a president, elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term, and a single-chamber, 48-member citizens' council (Majilis). Forty of the Majilis's members are elected by universal suffrage and eight are appointed by the president, who appoints and leads a cabinet that is responsible to the Majilis. There are no political parties and women are precluded from holding office.
The islands, under Muslim control from the 12th century, came under Portuguese rule 1518. A dependency of Ceylon 1645–1948, they were under British protection 1887–1965 as the Maldive Islands and became a republic 1953. The sultan was restored 1954, and then, three years after achieving full independence as Maldives, the islands returned t
o republican status 1968.
Maldives became fully independent as a sultanate outside the Commonwealth 1965, with Ibrahim Nasir as prime minister. Nasir became president when the sultan was deposed for the second time 1968 and the country became a republic. It rejoined the Commonwealth 1982. Britain had an air-force staging post on the southern island of Gan 1956–75, and its closure meant a substantial loss of income. The president nevertheless refused a Soviet offer 1977 to lease the former base, saying that he did not want it used for military purposes again nor leased to a superpower.
In 1978 Nasir announced that he would not stand for reelection, and the Majilis nominated Maumoon Abd al-Gayoom, a member of Nasir's cabinet, as his successor. Nasir went to Singapore but was called back to answer charges of misusing government funds. He denied the charges, and attempts to extradite him failed. Despite rumors of a plot to overthrow him, al-Gayoom was reelected for a further five years 1983. Under al-Gayoom, economic growth accelerated, helped by an expansion in tourism. Overseas, al-Gayoom broadly adhered to his predecessor's policy of nonalignment, but also began to develop closer links with the Arab nations of the Middle East, and in 1985 rejoined the Commonwealth and was a founder member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
coup attempt
In Nov 1988, soon after being reelected for a third term, al-Gayoom was briefly ousted in an attempted coup led by Abdullah Luthufi, an exiled entrepreneur from the atoll of Adu, which favored secession. Luthufi had recruited a force of 200 Tamil mercenaries in Sri Lanka, and was thought to have the backing of former president Nasir. Al-Gayoom was restored to office after the intervention of Indian paratroops. In Oct 1993 President al-Gayoom was reelected for a fourth consecutive term.

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