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machine code | englesko - srpski rečnik

machine code


The ultimate result of the compilation of assembly language or any high-level language such as C or Pascal: sequences of 1s and 0s that are loaded and executed by a microprocessor. Machine code is the only language computers understand; all other programming languages represent ways of structuring human language so that humans can get computers to perform specific tasks. Also called: machine language. See also compiler (definition 2).
A set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation; SYN. machine language.
/> In computing, a set of instructions that a computer's central processing unit (CPU) can understand and obey directly, without any translation. Each type of CPU has its own machine code. Because machine-code programs consist entirely of binary digits (bits), most programmers write their programs in an easy-to-use high-level language. A high-level program must be translated into machine code—by means of a compiler or interpreter program—before it can be executed by a computer.
Where no suitable high-level language exists or where very efficient machine code is required, programmers may choose to write programs in a low-level, or assembly, language, which is eventually translated into machine code by means of an assembler program.
Microprocessors (CPUs based on a single integrated circuit) may be classified according to the number of machine-code instructions that they are capable of obeying: CISC (complex instruction set computer) microprocessors support up to 200 instructions, whereas RISC (reduced instruction set computer) microprocessors support far fewer instructions but execute programs more rapidly.

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mašinski jezik

muški rodračunari

Jezik za pisanje programa, prilagođenog za prihvatanje od strane centralnog procesora računarskog sistema; s obzirom na to da se on prihavata bez dodatnog prevođenja, mašinski jezik je izuzetno efikasan pri korišćenju, ali je otežan postupak programiranja za njegovu primenu.
Jezik kojim govori mikroprocesor. Simbolički računarski jezk niskog nivoa koji komunicira dikretno sa hardverom računara. Programi su pisani u binarnom kodu: svaka naredba odgovara jednoj operaciji računara. Često se koristi i asemblerski jezik, koji programerima omogućava da lakše razumeju mašinski jezik, ali im ni on ne pomaže mnogo, jer je čitava stvar veoma komplikovana. Programiranje na mašinskom jeziku nikako nije posao za početnike!
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mašinski kod

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Kodni sistem, usvojen prilikom projektovanja određene računske mašine, kojim se dešifruju i raspoznaju naredbe izražene u programskom jeziku.

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